In the stock area, all information about the stored material in the supermarket is displayed under the tabs.
Element/icon |
Description |
or |
Expand or retract the detailed view. |
In the graphical display, display tracks or load units in the bird's eye view and highlight them in light blue. |
Delete row. |
Current stock tab
All materials, their load units and their number are listed in the Current stock tab. The detailed view shows the individual load units and their quantity.
Errors tab
The Errors tab lists error messages for the supermarket. An error message consists of an error type and an error description. The error messages can include the track, storage location, material number, and Kanban ID.
Error messages can be deleted with . To delete multiple error messages at the same time, activate the checkboxes of the error messages and remove them in the header with .
Before deleting an error message, verify that the error has been corrected. If an error has not been corrected, it will not be shown again after deletion and it is therefore not processed.
Kanban control loops tab
The Kanban control loops tab lists the materials and their description. For each material, the specified minimum stock, the current stock, the maximum stock and the number of parts per container (PPCs) are displayed. The detailed view shows the track or storage location where the material is stored with the current material stock and its position.
Material tab
The Material tab lists the materials with their description and current stock. The detailed view shows the track or storage location where the material is stored current stock.
Shelf life tab
The Shelf life tab lists load units whose expiration date threshold values have been exceeded.
In the graphical display, the Load units whose first Expiration date threshold (warning) has been exceeded are shown in yellow.
The Load units whose second Expiration date threshold (error) has been exceeded are shown in red.