Blocking Booking In and Out

Booking in and booking out can be blocked, for example if a stock correction is planned in the physical supermarket. After blocking, stock changes can no longer be made via the user interface or by scanning at the physical supermarket.

The blocking processes for in/out bookings on a track and on a storage location are identical. The blocking process is described below, using a track as an example.


Role Stock Management Administrator or Stock Management Logistik Planer


  1. Select the Material flow > Supermarkets menu.
  2. If necessary, look for the supermarket where the required module is located.
  3. In the row containing the supermarket, click mdm_edit_icon to open the supermarket for editing.
  4. Click the track in the graphical display.

    The track is highlighted in light blue. The Track configuration area appears next to the graphical display.

  5. To block the booking out of load units, activate the Block removal checkbox in the configuration area.
  6. To block the booking in of load units, activate the Block insertion checkbox in the configuration area.

You can no longer use the user interface or scan at the physical supermarket to perform bookings in and bookings out.

To block bookings in and bookings out only in the Nexeed Industrial Application System, deactivate the Stock change via user interface checkbox in the Supermarket configuration area under Advanced configuration.