Disconnect from the physical supermarket — Troubleshooting mode: Disabled

To correct discrepancies between tracks or storage locations in the Nexeed Industrial Application System and the physical supermarket, in Troubleshooting mode: Disabled, the connection to the physical supermarket is severed. The transfers in and out are not communicated to the Nexeed Industrial Application System.

The processes for a track and for a storage location are identical. The process is described below, using a track as an example.


Stock management administrator or Stock management logistics planner or Stock role Management Shopfloor associate


  1. Select the Material flow > Supermarkets menu.
  2. If necessary, look for the supermarket where the required module is located.
  3. In the row containing the supermarket, click mdm_edit_icon to open the supermarket for editing.
  4. Click the track in the graphical display.

    The track is highlighted in light blue. The Track configuration area appears next to the graphical display.

  5. In the Track configuration area, select Deactivated mode in the Troubleshooting mode drop-down list.
  6. Click Save to apply the selection.

    When the track is deselected it is highlighted in orange.

  7. Adapt the stock of the physical track to the stock of the digital track in the Nexeed Industrial Application System. To do so, store or remove load units from the physical track.
  8. To reconnect the supermarket in the Nexeed Industrial Application System to the physical supermarket select None mode in the Troubleshooting mode drop-down list.
  9. Use Save to reconnect to the physical supermarket.

The stocks of the track in the Nexeed Industrial Application System and in the physical supermarket are the same. When the track is deselected it is no longer highlighted in orange.