Booking in a Load Unit

The booking in and booking out of load units depends on the storage strategy selected for the supermarket, the module and the track or storage location.

The processes for booking in a load unit on a track and on a storage location are identical. The booking in process is described below using a track as an example.



  1. Select the Material flow > Supermarkets menu.
  2. If necessary, look for the supermarket where the required module is located.
  3. In the row containing the supermarket, click mdm_edit_icon to open the supermarket for editing.
  4. Click the track in the graphical display.

    The track is highlighted in light blue. The Track configuration area appears next to the graphical display.

  5. In the configuration area, clickBook load unit in.

    If the Book load unit inbutton is not displayed, activate the Stock change via user interface checkbox in the Supermarket configuration area under Advanced configuration.
    Overview: Supermarket Configuration Area


  6. Enter the name of the load unit in the Book load unit in dialog window in the ID input field.
  7. Select theidentification type:
  8. If necessary, use add_black to add further load units.

    A load unit can be removed with delete.

    Wenn der Ladungsträger in die Bahn zurückgelegt wird, z. B. bei einer Qualitätskontrolle, die Checkbox Ladungsträger zurückgelegt aktivieren. Wie der Ladungsträger ordnungsgemäß zurückgelegt wird, der erweiterten Konfiguration des Supermarkts entnehmen.
    Overview: Supermarket Configuration Area

    The load units are booked in from top to bottom in order.

  9. If necessary, drag-and-drop the load unit to the required position.
  10. Book in load unit with Put away.

The load units are displayed in the graphical representation on the track. The number at the track above the material number indicates the number of load units that have been booked in.