Overview: Module Configuration Area




Name of the module

Horizontal position

Horizontal position of the module from left to right (starting from the filling side)

If the position 1 is entered for the new module and there is already a module in the supermarket, the new module is placed to the left of the existing module.
If the position 2 is entered for the new module and there is already a module in the supermarket, the new module is placed to the right of the existing module.

Vertical position

Vertical position of the module from bottom to top

Different module types can be stacked on top of one another.

Storage strategy

Procedure for removal from the module

The storage strategy of the module also depends on the storage strategy of the supermarket (filling process).
Overview: Supermarket Configuration Area

  • FIFO
    (first in – first out) The load unit of a track that was stored first must be removed first. The load units are moved in and out of stock at different positions.
  • LIFO
    (last in – first out) The load unit of a track that was stored last must be removed first. The load units are moved in and out at the same position.
  • Optional
    Load units can be moved in and out of stock independently of their position.

Numbering alignment

Can only be selected for the Shelf module (KLT) module type.

  • Top left
    The tracks are numbered from the top row of the module downward and from left to right in each row.
  • Bottom leftThe tracks are numbered from the bottom row of the module upward and from left to right in each row.

Adding a Module

Add a module to the supermarket.

Creating a Module

Deleting a Module

Delete the module from the supermarket.

A module can only be deleted if no load units have been booked in.

Deleting a Module

Reset module stock

Delete all load units and materials for a module.

Resetting Module or Track Stock