Manually booking in and out unit loads

The booking in and out of unit loads depends on the configuration type of the supermarket (classic, semi-intelligent or intelligent with mobile scanner).
Overview: Supermarket Configuration Area


Stock role Management Administrator or Stock Management Logistics Planner or Stock Management Shopfloor associate



  1. Select Manual scanner type.


  2. In the Supermarket selection field, enter the name of the supermarket in which you want to make a booking in or booking out.
  3. Activate the Put away radio button for a booking in or the Pick radio button for a booking out.
  4. If a unit load is to be returned for a booking in, activate the Returning unit load switch.

    Wie der Ladungsträger ordnungsgemäß zurückgelegt wird, der erweiterten Konfiguration des Supermarkts entnehmen.
    Overview: Supermarket Configuration Area

  5. Proceed to the next step with Next.


  6. Enter the unit load ID in the Unit load ID input field.
  7. Proceed to the next step with Next.


    If the supermarket has the configuration type Semi-intelligent or Intelligent with mobile scanner, the information area indicates the lane in which the unit load is to be placed or removed.

Continue according to the configuration type of the supermarket.

Classic configuration type

If the supermarket has the configuration type Classic, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the code of the lane on which the removal or booking in is to be made in the Enter lane ID input field.
  2. Continue with Next.
  3. Park the unit load in the desired lane or remove it from the desired lane.

The booking in or booking out has been completed. The information area confirms which unit load has been booked into which lane. The graphical representation of the supermarket shows the current number of unit loads on the lane.

Configuration type semi-intelligent or intelligent with mobile scanner

If the supermarket has the configuration type Semi-intelligent or Intelligent with mobile scanner, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the code specified as the preferred lane in the information bar in the Enter lane ID input field.
  2. Park the unit load in the preferred lane or remove it from the preferred lane.

    In the case of a supermarket with the configuration type Intelligent with mobile scanner, a green LED lights up on the preferred lane. The system detects when the unit load has been deposited in the correct physical lane or removed from the correct physical lane.

The booking in or booking out has been completed. The information area confirms which unit load has been booked into which lane. The graphical representation of the supermarket shows the current number of unit loads on the lane.