Overview: Track/Storage Location Configuration Area

Modules with shelf module type consist of any number of levels with any number of tracks. Modules with a surface module type consist of one level with any number of tracks or storage locations.

The configuration area of a track and a storage location is identical. The configuration area is described below, using the track as an example.

There are two tabs in the Track configuration area:

Before editing the details, the track must be configured as the definition of the load unit types essential for the assignment mode.

Track configuration area, tab details




Name of the track

The name is made up as follows:

<Name Supermarkt>.<Name Modul>.<Name Ebene*>.<Name Bahn**>

* counted from the top, ** counted from the right

Current stock

Number of load units on the track

Material number

Material number of the load units on the track

Assign a Kanban control loop to the material with mdm_edit_icon.

Defining Rules for Booking Load Units In and Out

Assignment mode

Procedure for assigning load units to the track

  • Control loop static
    Static assignment of a material to the track

    Only the specified material number can be booked in. The material number must be contained in the Kanban control loop assigned to the supermarket.

  • Control loop dynamic
    Dynamic assignment of materials to the track

    All material numbers can be booked in if they are contained in a Kanban control loop that is assigned to the supermarket. As soon as a load unit of a material is booked in on the track, the track is only used for that material.

  • Material static
    Static assignment of a material to the track

    Only the specified material number from the Nexeed Industrial Application System can be booked in.

  • Material dynamic
    Dynamic assignment of materials to the track

    All material numbers from the Nexeed Industrial Application System can be booked in. As soon as a load unit of a material is booked in on the track, the track is only used for that material.

  • Unlimited
    Flexible assignment

    Materials can be mixed. All material numbers can be booked in if they are assigned to a load unit type assigned to the track.

  • Empties
    Assignment of empty load units to the track

    Only empty load units can be booked.

Defining Rules for Booking Load Units In and Out

Error correction mode

While a supermarket is operating, the physical stock may differ from the digital stock. This stock deviation can be detected by the user or automatically. To correct the stock deviation, the following troubleshooting modes are selected:

Depending on the system equipment, the troubleshooting mode starts automatically as soon as there is a discrepancy between the physical supermarket stock and the digital stock of the Nexeed Industrial Application System.


Any text input. Issued as an ESL (electronic shelf label) tag on the item label of the material.

or Block removal

Load units can or cannot be removed and booked out.

Blocking Booking In and Out

or Block insertion

Load units can or cannot be moved into stock and booked in.

Blocking Booking In and Out

Re-set stock

Delete all load units and materials of a track.

Resetting Module or Track Stock

Booking in a Load Unit

Book load unit in on the track.

Booking in a Load Unit

Track configuration area, configuration tab




Load unit types add_black

Add a load unit type to the track.

Assigning load unit types to a track or storage location ensures that only permissible load units can be stored in the physical supermarket on the track or the storage location.

Adding a Track or Storage Location


Information about the load unit type and track

  • Load unit type
    Name of the load unit type
  • Orientation
    Orientation of the load unit in the track
    • Long side
    • Short side
    • Stacked
  • Capacity
    Enter the maximum number of load units of the load unit type that may be stored (physically) on the track
  • delete: Remove load unit type assignment.

If multiple load units are assigned to the track, and if no load units are booked in on the track, use to activate the load unit type.

Visual tag ID (removal)

Identification number of the visual tag for the removal side

Visual tag ID (filling)

Identification number of the visual tag for the removal side

Removal tag ID (GLN)

Identification number of the removal tag in GLN format

Filling tag ID (GLN)

Identification number of the filling tag in GLN format

Add new track

Add a new track to the right of the highlighted track.

Adding a Track or Storage Location

Delete track

Delete track from the module.

Deleting a Track or Storage Location

Copy configuration

Apply the configuration of the track for the entire module.

Copying a Track or Storage Location Configuration